My life has been crazy these past three days! I am completely exhausted! and SO HAPPY! :) I have had an absolute blast so far! I can't believe Brady and I will be living here soon-- I'm so blessed to be married to someone who wants to do adventures with me! :) God is so good and so faithful!!!
I last left you at Panera... Side note-- I could drink a large panara green tea every day until I die and not regret it one bit. Elaina walked in and I couldn't contain my happiness! She is seriously the most beautiful person I've ever seen inside and out... she's amazing! We chatted for a little bit at Panera and took our rental car back! (Because Elaina graciously offered to be my chauffer this week... Brady and I saved over $300 dollars! Thank you Lord!! and HELLO SHOPPING SPREE! justkiddingbrady) :) She followed me to the airport and later complimented (or dissed) my driving skills saying that I was a very "local" driver... awesome.
We then drove to her extremely cute apartment that she shares with two extremely cute girls! We got dressed for a little "hike" we were going on with her friends and headed out the door. We get there and realize we are going to be climbing A MOUNTAIN... A MOUNTAIN! Needless to say- it's over 24 hours later and I am still having trouble walking and my toms will never smell the same again! It was unreal! Due to our many stops to play photo-shoot and our not-so-proper attire, we were behind the entire time... but had a BLAST! Here's some photos to prove it!
I have had so much fun meeting all of Elaina's friends! They are so sweet... the girl all the way on the right is Erin, and she shares a room with Elaina... Krystal is the sweet girl in black and she has been SO much fun to get to know :)
we were climbing to the top of this waterfall-- and we made it! To be honest, in the below picture all I'm thinking about is how in this wide world am I going to get down... but check out that beautiful view!!!!

on the way down we realized that I was covered in dirt and everyone else looked like they hadn't even been hiking... such a rookie...

We finally made it down the mountain... (barely) and we headed down to the beach and walked up this amazingly beautiful cliff and watched the sun set from there-- it was absolutely PERFECT!
The following day we wake up and head to Julia Robert's favorite place to eat when she is in LA... and since Jules and I are such good friends, I trust her recommendations. It's called Rose's something or other... I can't remember... but their chicken salad gives Hy Vee a run for it's money... YUMMMMMMMM....
We then head to Hollywood where we go to this great vintage second hand store that has AMAZING deals and AWESOME clothes... and we walk the Hollywood walk of fame or stars of fame... I don't know what it's called but I finally saw the stars on the ground! It was so fun! PLUS I actually got goosebumps when I saw the REAL Chinese theatre for the first time! Walt did a great job because it HONESTLY looks exactly like The Great Movie Ride... (ilovedisney)
then they heard Jennafer of Wrent was in town and asked me to make my own handprints to put out front... after chatting with my agent we decided it would be okay... so here Mar and I are... pleasing the fans...
we then went grocery shopping and I was surprised to find out that groceries aren't that expensive here! YAY! We will be able to buy food! :) We bought some fantastic food and headed home for a night of movies, frozen pizza and a HUGE bowl of guacamole!
Then we got a call from one of Elaina's friends about a few bands playing for free-- so me, trying not to be a homebody and be more adventurous, trade in my sweat pants for some LA looking clothing (found in Elaina's closet... thanks lanie!) and head to this really fun club with some CRAZY music! We laughed so hard all night and I'm sure annoyed most of her friends with our stories about Drivers Ed and Ms. Dooley... such fun memories!
Today we woke up and ate breakfast then made a picnic lunch to go eat with her friends in the park! It was a BEAUTIFUL day here... I told brady when I realized that we were going on a REAL picnic... like one on the ground... NOT a picnic table, I immediately regretted not wearing pants because grass always itches my legs... but even the grass here is awesome! It's so soft! :) haha!!! We had so much fun talking with some more of her fun friends and then went to her friend's house to watch Ellen on the Oprah show... (side note... I really really really like ellen.)
We came home... made some great pasta, turned on Father of the Bride and vegged... Elaina is now at work and I am just laying and doing nothing for the first time in 6 days! My legs and so happy!!! :) I finally learned how to video chat so I got to see cute Brady and my puppy dog... so I will sleep great tonight! :)
Thank you for following us on this fun journey! We are so excited!
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