my heart is shaped like mickey mouse- I saw disneyland for the first time yesterday (well... since I was little) and it was hard for me to stay on the road!! It's SO different from Disney World-- but still so so magical! We looked at 13 apartments yesterday and we are getting ready to go look at 7 more... a few have stuck out to us, but we have decided we are going to only look at ones that are within BIKING distance to Disney... I'm going to be a bike rider! Look out Lance Armstrong!!
We LOVE it here! It's perfect-- MUCH different than I expected... but in a good way... Everything is BEAUTIFUL! We haven't made it to the beach yet- that will be later on today! We're also stopping by Downtown Disney during our apartment hunting! I can't wait to see what it looks like.
Brady leaves tomorrow :( I take him to the airport at 3:00AM! Please pray for safe travels for him!! Then I will spend the week with Elaina which I am SO excited about!!
It's weird to be in a brand new place thinking that in a few short months, we will call this, "home"-- This is QUITE an ADVENTURE!!!! I'm so excited for this next chapter for us!!
HUGE EXCITING NEWS... My sister, Jamie Jo, held her baby boy for the first time today! RUK apparently jumped in her arms the moment he saw her saying, "Momma, Momma, Momma!!" I can't wait to see pictures and meet this precious boy that God hand picked to be my nephew!!!!!!!!
Such a great day!!! Sorry there are no pictures-- it's kind of boring!!!
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
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