Our house is at an all time crazy. Seriously. There is stuff EVERYWHERE-- How did we even get all this stuff? Why did we keep all of it!? There is no method to the madness right now-- it's simply this- 1) find an empty box. 2) grab anything in site and throw it in. 3) stack it as high as you can so you don't trip over it. 4) repeat.
I'm proud to admit that up until three minutes ago I was EXTREMELY organized... I mean REALLY organized... but then when I started to get together our Salvation Army pile for Brady to start making trips it was all down hill-- Will it ever end??
Here are our packed boxes-- they will be making their cute little way to California soon! :)
Some HUGE praises to report:
1) We decided on an apartment and are happy with the price that they gave us... it's going to be on the first floor which means Anabelle will have a (extremely tiny) yard to play in!! :) We sign on the dotted line later on today-- Thank you Lord for providing such an amazing place where we will call home for the next year! :) Check it out and plan a visit: www.themadisonpark.com
2) We found out that hiring a moving company would be cheaper than moving ourselves!! YAY! The moving company will come on Tuesday to pack up all of our things and start taking them out there!! SO AWESOME! We are so thankful for this!! I've been packing the boxes SO light anticipating carrying a trillion boxes up ninety seven flights of stairs... but as soon as I found out we were going with a moving company I am packing them HEAVY-- getting every penny out of these precious people!!! :)
God is so good during these transition times... :) Thank you for your prayers and support during this time! We are truly so thankful for each and every one of you!!! :)
back to packing,
How To Propagate Succulents
1 week ago
i'm so thrilled that both of these things worked out for you! moving company...score!!! the apartment looks amazing. you are both going to have an exciting adventure ahead! yay!
ReplyDeleteI am so thankful that you got an apartment! I'm also SO thankful that a moving company is moving you...that way you can detour to Durango for a couple of days! :) And I think that you have more boxes than I did!